What is Hypnosis Coaching?
1.- What is Hypnosis Coaching? It is a way of communicating with the subconscious mind in order to achieve a desired outcome. A hypnosis coach facilitates an interaction to one's subconscious by relaxing the mind until it is open to receive such message that will bring the results desired at a deeper level. It is possible to reach an alternate state of consciousness defined by the brain waves reaching an Alpha or Theta state. This is a state reached naturally by every day activities such as watching TV, reading a book, praying, meditating, or even auto-piloting to work.
If I’m hypnotized do I give up control? Will I cluck like a chicken?
2.- If I'm hypnotized do I give up control? Will I cluck like a chicken? No. Stage hypnosis unfortunately offers many misconceptions regarding hypnosis coaching. You are in control at all times. Stage hypnosis puts people to “sleep” and makes them do funny things for the sake of entertainment but is widely different than hypnosis coaching. You comfortably recline in a chair and follow the words the practitioner says. You are able to move and your conscious mind is aware of what is being said and ultimately decides what your subconscious mind accepts or rejects. Think of it in terms of watching a movie. Have you ever been so wrapped up by the movie that you are almost in a trance state? You are in control of how immersed in the film you get and you have the power to resist this state as well. Hypnosis Coaching is very similar to that. You are in control of what you let in your mind and what you reject, thus making any changes that much more empowering.
What will happen in a Hypnosis Coaching session? How does hypnosis feel?
3.- What will happen in a Hypnosis Coaching Session? The Hypnosis Coach will discuss with you what it is you are desiring in your life and will then outline with you what that journey will look like and the best path to take. The Hypnosis Coach will then use several techniques to aide you in removing blocks and obstacles in your subconscious mind as you move towards your goal, one small step at a time.
How does hypnosis feel? Most experience a sense of deep relaxation, similar to when you are about to fall asleep where you're somewhere in between awake and asleep. Many people describe the experience as a dream or as watching a movie, where the Hypnosis Coach's voice drifts in and out. Most notice the subtle shifts in mindset immediately and continue to report shifts days and weeks after sessions.
How can I trust my hypnotherapist?
4.- How can I trust my hypnotherapist? Hypnotists must adhere to a strict code of ethics when practicing hypnotherapy. This includes ensuring the safety of the subject, remaining within their scope of practice, and obtaining informed consent from the subject before beginning the session. Your hypnosis coach will present the full Code of Ethics to you on the first meeting.
You will have an initial discovery call to get to know your hypnosis coach and get any questions answered regarding her knowledge of hypnosis techniques, their ability to create a safe and comfortable environment, and the ability to effectively communicate with you.
What can hypnosis be used for?
5.- What can hypnosis be used for? Hypnosis can be used to help treat a wide range of issues such as:​
Improve self-love / self-care
Grief / Loss
Anxiety, stress, panic attacks
Weight management
Pain management
​Ease birthing process
Smoke cessation
Sports performance enhancement
Lack of confidence
Improve work performance
What is Vibro-Acoustic Therapy?
6.- What is Vibro-Acoustic Therapy?
Vibro-Acoustic therapy uses instruments such as tuning forks and Tibetan singing bowls to sonically calibrate the body’s frequencies that may have been distorted due to trauma to the body or the mind. This allows each cell, muscle, and organ to vibrate harmoniously, which is what a healthy person experiences.
Our bodies are comprised of 138 trillion cells; each carrying an electric charge. This makes us electro-magnetic creatures with each of those cells vibrating as a harmonious symphony.
When the body experiences trauma, the vibration of the cells in the injured area changes (usually vibrating faster) and that variation of vibration between the injured and healed area is often felt as heat, discomfort or even pain.
Conversely, chronic issues tend to vibrate at a lower frequency than is normal which is felt as dull aches, or a weakened area.
Emotions also affect our electric field around us, which in turn can affect the physical body. When experiencing heightened emotions such as anger or anxiety, our electric field is vibrating faster than normal, thus giving a sense of unease. On the other hand, when someone is experiencing a low frequency state such as grief or depression, the body seems to slow down and one has very little energy.
Human bodies are very similar to instruments in the sense that when we get out of tune, we can be recalibrated or tuned up. When a guitar, for instance, is out of tune due to the strings being too loose or too tight, the guitar doesn’t sound quite right. In order to recalibrate, one uses tuning forks. Humans can be tuned up in the same way with tuning forks.
How does Vibro-Acoustic therapy work?
7.- How does Vibro-Acoustic therapy work?
Tuning forks are calibrated to emit a specific frequency so they emit pure sound. Our bodies are designed to automatically become entrained to follow the strongest signal as its “metronome.” One can see this phenomenon clearly at music concerts where the audience all syncs up in state of being with the music due to the loud speakers becoming the strongest signal.
When applying pure sound to the body, all of the cells vibrating too high or too low all synchronize to a harmonious frequency again, thus neutralizing any physical or emotional sensations.
How does it feel?
8.- How does it feel?
Many people don’t feel anything specific, but most feel a pleasant vibration or buzz flowing through their body. All experience a deep sense of relaxation, deeper than expected. Some more sensitive people may feel the neurological pathways as the vibration flows through each meridian and might even feel as muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves adjust their vibration to match the tuning forks; often describes as “bubbles” or “fluttering”.
After the session, most report feeling more relaxed than ever and the body is suddenly more loose and relaxed and the emotions are neutral. This sense of peace then leads to a replenishing night of sleep, thus the cascading effects of healing are magnified in all of our bodies’ systems.
What can Vibro-Acoustic therapy work for?
9.- What can Vibro-Acoustic therapy work for?
•Chakra Balancing
•Digestive Issues
•Pain management